
01:640:338 - Discrete and Probabilistic Models in Biology

General Information

Please see the current semester's course page for syllabus.

Catalog description:

Models for biological processes based on discrete mathematics (graphs, combinatorics) and probabilistics and optimization methods, such as Markov chains and Markov fields, Monte-Carlo simulation, maximum-likelihood estimation, entropy and information. Applications selected from epidemiology, inheritance and genetic drift, combinatorics and sequence alignment of nucleic acids, energy optimization in protein structure prediction, topology of biological molecules.

The prerequisites are Linear Algebra, Math 640:250, Calculus III, Math 640:251, and Probability, either Math 640:477 or Comp. Sci. 198:206 or Statistics 960:381).


Textbook:  For current textbook please refer to our Master Textbook List page

Online Course Text

Previous Semesters

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Disclaimer: Posted for informational purposes only

This material is posted by the faculty of the Mathematics Department at Rutgers New Brunswick for informational purposes. While we try to maintain it, information may not be current or may not apply to individual sections. The authority for content, textbook, syllabus, and grading policy lies with the current instructor.

Information posted prior to the beginning of the semester is frequently tentative, or based on previous semesters. Textbooks should not be purchased until confirmed with the instructor. For generally reliable textbook information—with the exception of sections with an alphabetic code like H1 or T1, and topics courses (197,395,495)—see the textbook list.