Home page for Math 135 in Spring 1998

The majority of students in this course are planning to major in biology, pharmacy, or business, all of which require at least one semester of calculus. Other students from such majors as psychology who think they may need "more" mathematics also take Math 135. Calculus is a wonderful intellectual achievement - there are even some students who take the course to see how beautiful the subject is! Here's the official course description:

01:640:135-136. CALCULUS I, II (4,4)

For liberal arts majors. Prerequisite for 135: 01:640:112 or 115 or appropriate performance on the placement test in mathematics. Prerequisite for 136: CALC1. Credit restrictions: CR1, CR2.

Math 135: Analytic geometry, differential calculus, applications, and introduction to integral calculus. Math 136: Transcendental functions, techniques of integration, polar coordinates, and series.

Other Math 135 material on the web

Last semester (fall 1997) is fully recorded on the web, including review material and exams. Those involved with Math 135 this semester should read it with some care, since the syllabus for the course is a bit changed.


The syllabus for the course is available in various formats:

html (a web page) Postscript TeX

The html version is easy to view. The Postscript version can be printed on one page. The plain TeX version is useful for those who may wish to edit it.

Review Problems

Here are review problems for the exams. Please realize that the problems are only designed to be suggestions for student study. The exams during the semester will be written by individual lecturers, and different teaching emphasis may well lead to exams with somewhat different problems. The "gif" alternative in the table is the simplest, but look below for further information.
Students have asked for larger font sizes on the gifs. The review problems for the final exam have larger sizes. The strange + problem (that is, on some gifs the + looks like |) has also been solved! Technology progresses with small steps as well as major jumps.

Review problems for exam #1 gif Postscript TeX Answers
Review problems for exam #2 gif Postscript TeX Answers
Review problems for the final exam gif Postscript TeX Answers

Advice about format Current web standards do not include widely implemented ways of handling mathematical notation, and therefore several alternatives are offered.
gif Gifs are generally accepted by browsers. File size is not large so network transmission isn't usually long, but the images (especially for tiny mathematical symbols!) can be unsatisfactory.
Postscript The images are better, but files are larger so transmission times are apt to be perceptibly longer, and sometimes browsers aren't equipped to handle Postscript. Important A very nice printed version can be produced from the Postscript file, so learning how to print such files may be worthwhile. Such information is site-specific: ask your local computer guru.
TeX Please use the TeX version if you need the "raw" files and want to edit them. But read the first few lines of the TeX file carefully to learn how to include the images in the final printed product.

Real exams

This semester we again will have substantial coordination in our large lecture sections of Math 135. Most of the students will be taking versions of a final exam written by one person, with grading substantially directed by that person. Students may want to see how exams are formatted and the way questions are phrased and graded. So here are versions of the two in-class exams written by "the management" as they were actually given, along with answers and detailed grading guidelines. The cover sheet for the exam is shown here last although it appeared first in the physical exams. The paragraph above discusses some differences between gif and Postscript formats.
Now also presented here are the following: one version of the final exam actually given, along with grading guidelines and a brief discussion of the exam results. Two slight misprints on the exam have been corrected and the spacing of the exam problems has been considerably compressed.

The exam as given Answers to the exam Grading guidelines
Exam #1 gif Postscript gif Postscript html (a web page)
Exam #2 gif Postscript gif Postscript html (a web page)
Final exam gif Postscript Not available html (a web page)

Graphing Calculators

The syllabus remarks that "Graphing calculators may be used on exams but calculators and computers with QWERTY keyboards or symbolic differentiation and integration programs are not allowed." Students should have and be able to use a graphing calculator on all exams in this course. One suitable graphing calculator which is most familiar to the instructional staff is the TI-82. We certainly won't use all the power of this instrument, but will concentrate on straightforward applications such as those described in this nice tutorial. Students should be aware that the numerical and graphical output of devices like graphing calculators may be deceptive. You shouldn't read more into the output than is there. Problems can happen if you don't heed this warning!

Beginning the course

The first day of class is important to both students and instructors. Good luck to everyone!

Sources for further help in the course

Please try your instructors first. Many students find that studying in a small group is useful. Please realize that the university puts considerable resources into supporting undergraduate instruction. Look into what the Learning Resource Center (LRC) and the Math and Science Learning Center (MSLC) can do to help you. In particular, they should have frequent walk-in tutorial help. Check the centers on each campus to get a schedule, please, or consult their webpages.
Maintained by greenfie@math.rutgers.edu and last modified 3/2/98.