Math H311 page

FALL 2016
Updated December 1, 2016



  • My course on HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS (Mathematics 436, Section 01) meets on Tuesday and Thursday, during the 4th period (1:40 PM-3:00 PM) in Hill-005.

  • TEXTBOOK :   We will be following the book A History of Mathematics: An Introduction by Victor J. Katz, Addison Wesley, third edition, 2009, ISBN 0-321-38700-7.


  • SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES: Some notes containing extra material not included in the book and the readings will be posted here, in the "important links" table below. The notes are an integral part of the course, as much as the textbook.

  • INSTRUCTOR'S OFFICE HOURS: My office hours will be as follows:

    ----Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in my office, Hill 538.

    ----any other time, by appointment, in my office, Hill 538.  (The best way to schedule an appointment is by talking to me,    or by sending me e-mail, to

  • LECTURES AND EXAMS:    We will have

  • HOMEWORK:    Homework will be due every Thursday.

    The list of homework problems for each week will be posted in this page, in the "homework assignments" table below.

  • TERM PAPER:    This course satisfies either of the SAS Writing and Communicating requirements (WCr and WCd). As part of these requirements, there will be a term paper

  • THE FINAL GRADE:    The final grade will be determined by taking into account the grades for the midterms, the grade for the final exam, and the grades for homework,

  • ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY: Follow this link.

  • STUDENT ABSENCE POLICY: Follow this link.



  • Readings for Week 1, September 6 and 8:

  • Readings for Weeks 2 and 3, September 13, 15, 20 and 22
    • The book's Chapter 2, on the beginnings of Greek Mathematics, and Chapter 3, on Euclid. Both chapters are Req.
    • The MacTutor Biography of Euclid. Req.
    • The MacTutor Biography of Zeno of Sidon. Req.
    • Euclid's Elements:
      • Introduction to Book I. Req.This contains the list of all the 23 definitions, 5 postulates, 5 common notions, and 48 propositions of Book I. For each of these, there is a link that gives you more details including, in many cases, a nice critical discussion. I strongly recommend that you look at all the links for the definitions, postulates and common notions.
      • Book I, Proposition 1. Req.
      • Book I, Proposition 2. FYI only.
      • Book I, Proposition 3. FYI only.
      • Book I, Proposition 4. Req. I strongly recommend that you read the critical discussion of this proposition, and in particular the explanation of why the argument is problematic.
      • Book I, Proposition 5. Req. This is the famous Pons Asinorum (bridge of the donkeys). I strongly recommend that you study this proof carefully, because later in the course we are going to discuss how to prove the same result using the language and techniques of modern mathematics (i.e., vector spaces and inner products), and it is important that you understand the difference so you will appreciate the progress that has been made since Euclid's days.
      • Book I, Proposition 29. Req. This is a very important theorems: it says that if a line intersects two parallel lines then it forms equal angles with them.
      • Book I, Proposition 32. Req. This is one of the most important theorems of Euclidean geometry: it says that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME EUCLID USES POSTULATE 5.
      • Book I, Proposition 47. Req. This is Euclid's proof of Pythagoras' theorem. You should review the earlier proof that we gave in class, and compare. Also, I strongly recommend that you read the section about the ancient Chinese proof explained in the commentary on Euclid's proof. (This proof occurs in the book Zhou Bi Suan Jing (FYI only), which dates from the period of the Zhou Dynasty, 1046 BCE-256 BCE. Also, you should take a look at the proof discovered by James Garfield in 1876, 4 years before the becane the 20th President of the United States.(FYI only) Later in the course we will give a modern proof in the language of vector spaces and inner products.
      • Proof that the three medians of a triangle intersect at a point. Req. This is a "synthetic geometry" proof, that is, a proof in the spirit of Euclid. Later in the course we will do a "linear algebra" proof, i.e., a proof using the modern language of vector spaces and affine spaces, so that you will see the progress that has been made since Euclid's days. You may take a look at such a proof in The Centroid Theorem (FYI only) This site actually gives you two proofs: one "in the style of Euclid" and the other one labelled (erroneously, in my view) "proof in the style of Descartes." (It really is a proof in the style of late 19th or 20th Century, because it uses vectors and does not use coordinates.)
      • Proof that the angle of a triangle in a semicircle is a right angle. Req. This result is known as "Thales' semicircle theorem". The proof given here is in the style of Euclid. Later in the course we will do a modern proof, using the language of vector spaces and inner products.

  • Readings for Week 4, September 27 and 29
    • The book's Chapter 2, on the beginnings of Greek Mathematics, and Chapter 3, on Euclid. Both chapters are Req.
    • The book's section on Analytic Geometry (that is, section 14,2, pages 473-486). Req.
    • The MacTutor history of Non-Euclidean Geometry. Req.
    • The New Mexico State University Module on Geometry: The Parallel Postulate. Req.
    • The MacTutor biographies of Descartes Req and Fermat Req.
    • The Wikipedia article on Analytic Geometry. Req.
    • The MacTutor biography of Lagrange. Req.
    • Lagrange's Analytical Mechanics. This is a monumental book, and most of it requires much more sophisticated mathematics then you are expected to be familiar with. And, in addition, the only downloadable edition I found was the original French edition. So I am not at all asking you read the whole thing. But, even if you don't read French, I would like you to take a look at the book, and get the flavor. Just look at the preface, where you will find the words "On ne trouvera point de Figures dans cet Ouvrage", that is, "no figures will be found in this work". (Notice the old usage of capitalizing all nouns, as used to be done in ancient English and is still done today in German.) And then move on a little bit, and you will find le "privilege du roi", that is, the king's authorization. (And remember that this is 1788, and that king is the same king Louis XVI that would be overthrown one year later, and executed by the revolutionaries on January 21, 1793.) Then, if you look further, you will find the famous "Lagrange multipliers" on page 46, 47 and even if you don't read French the formulas may look familiar to you. And you will find, for example on page 77, equations involving nine coordinates, called X', Y', Z', X'', Y'', Z'', X''', Y''', Z''', so you will see how Lagrange is working in nine-dimensional space.
    • A note on Higher dimensions, by T. Banchoff. Req.

  • Readings for Week 5 and the first half of Week 6, October 4, 6 and 11.

  • Readings for October 25-27, and November 1-3-8-15
    • The book's Chapter 24, on "Geometry in the 19th Century" (omitting Sections 24.3 and 24.4).Req
    • The MacTutor biographies of Carl Friedrich Gauss Req and Bernhard Riemann Req
    • The Wikipedia articles on Gauss Req and Riemann Req.
    • The MacTutor history of Non-Euclidean Geometry. Req. (Yes, this was an assigned reading before, but I want yo to read it again.)
    • The MacTutor article on Orbits and Gravitation. Req. (This contains a lot material that was discussed in class, such as Kepler's laws, Newton's law of gravitation, Newton's original incorrect idea about motion spiraling towards the Earth, and how it was corrected By Hooke (this was not said in class), the story about Halley's conversation with Newton, an explanation of how the N-body problem for N greater than 2 is so hard, including Newton's statement that an exact solution for three bodies "exceeds, if I am not mistaken, the force of any human mind," the story of Halley's comet, and, most importantly, the sensational story of the discovery of Neptune in 1846 by LeVerrier, Galle, and perhaps Adams, and much more. Req.
    • The article A Short History of the Fourth Dimension, by Stephen M. Phillips. Req.
    • The article on Higher dimensions, by Thomas Banchoff. Req.
    • The Wikipedia article on Dimension Req, skipping the last six sections of Part (from "varieties" to "HIlbert spaces"), and also skipping Part 3. (NOTE: The short discussion of Kant's ideas about space in the section "in philosophy" is very important. By all means, do no skip it. NOTE: If you Google up the words "Higher dimensions", you will see that the Web is full of garbage talking about the "mysteries" of higher dimensions, how high dimensions have something to do with spirituality, "high dimensions of consciousness", "multidimensional consciousness", and other nonsense. Please keep in mind that there is nothing mysterious about higher dimensions! If I make a model about the interaction of eleven species (for example, wolves, foxes, coyotes, grizzly bears, black bears, salmon, beavers, elk, deer, ravens, golden eagles), then this will give rise to a system of differential equations in eleven variables (say, w, f, c, g, b, s, x, e, d, r, y, where I am using "x" for the beavers and "y" for the golden eagles, because "b" already stands for "black bears" and "g" already stands for "grizzly bears"). So the evolution of the system will be described by a point Q(t)=(w(t),f(t),c(t),g(t),b(t),s(t),x(t),e(t),d(t),r(t),y(t)), depending on t, in eleven-dimensional space. And if I make a model about the motion of the Sun and the eight planets, then I need nine points in ordinary space, and each point will have three coordinates, so there will be a total of 27 coordinates, and the system behavior will be described as the motion of a point in 27-dimensional space!!!!. Wow! Isn't this mysterious? Maybe all this stuff about high dimensions is the key to establishing contact with cosmic consciousness, high universal spirituality, beings from another dimension? NOT AT ALL! IT'S QUITE SIMPLE!
    • The Wikipedia article on The Lotka-Volterra equations.

  • Readings for November 29, and December 1-6-8


    Written homework should be handed in to the instructor, as a printout or handwritten text. PLEASE DO NOT E-MAIL YOUR HOMEWORK TO ME. Quality of writing and presentation is very important.

      • Write a brief mathematical autobiography. Describe recent mathematics courses you have taken, and reflect on which were your favorites and which were hardest. Describe your mathematical interests, and your post-graduation plans. Explain why you have chosen to register for this course and what you expect from it. Be creative and tell your story in complete sentences. One of the purposes of the assignment is to give me a sample of your writing style.
      • Represent the numbers 2035 and 696 in Egyptian hieroglyphic notation, and use this representation to compute the sum 2035+696 and the product 2035 times 696. (If you type or use a word processor, you probably will not have the symbols for Egyptian numbers. If so, put them by hand.)
      • Book, page 29, problem 33.


  • MacTutor articles:

  • Article on on Egyptian Mathematics Numbers Hyeroglyphs.Req. This article has nice color pictures of hieroglyphs and numbers represented in the hieroglyph system.

  • Articles on Eratosthenes, explaining how he was able to measure the circumference of the Earth in 245 B.C.E, that is, 2260 years ago!

  • The Wikipedia article on The Scientific Revolution. Req

  • Articles on minimum wage models:

    • Article Models of the minimum wage (for what they're worth), by Jared Bernstein. This is a very simple, very basic article on minimum wages, written by a liberal economist who is strongly in favor of raising minimum wages. For our course, the main reason why I want you to read it is that it prides you with a very clear and simple language of how people (in this case, economists) use mathematical language to talk about the world (in this case, the economy). Req

    • Article Minimum Wages and Employment, A Case Study of the Fast Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, by David Card and Alan B. Krueger. This is a very famous article, that posits a model and uses empirical data to check it. FYI only

    • Article Setting the minimum wage, by Tito Boeri. This is an example, chosen from hundreds available in the literature, of a different type of model, that studies the effects of different methods for dtermining the minimum wage. FYI only