read `BiVariateMoms.txt`: print(`This for the set of monomer-dimer tilings of a 2 by n rectangular board according to the number of monomers "`): print(``): Story(MDktw(1,t,w),t,w,4,n,b); print(``): t0:=time(): print(`This took`, t0, `seconds. `): print(``): print(`-----------------------------------------------`): print(``): print(`This for the set of monomer-dimer tilings of a 4 by n rectangular board according to the number of monomers "`): print(``): Story(MDktw(2,t,w),t,w,2,n,b); t1:=time(): print(`This took`, t1-t0 , `seconds. `): print(``): print(`-----------------------------------------------`): print(``): print(`This for the set of monomer-dimer tilings of a 6 by n rectangular board according to the number of monomers "`): print(``): Story(MDktw(3,t,w),t,w,2,n,b); t2:=time(): print(`This took`, t2-t1 , `seconds. `): print(``): print(`-----------------------------------------------`): print(``): quit: