How to install and use Manuel Kauers' C-program trace.c 1) Save the file trace.c in a directory of your choice 2) Navigate to this directory 3) Type the following command gcc -O3 -o trace.out trace.c If this leads to complaints, try cc -O3 -o trace.out trace.c instead. If this also leads to complaints, delete the lines #include and the lines starting with #pragma from the file trace.c and try the two commands again. If they still both fail, then give up. 4) Otherwise, you have successfully compiled the program. Now you can play with it, for example, by typing ./trace.out 5 10 1 45007 This will produce the first 10 partition polynomials for n=5 and w=1 with coefficients taken mod 45007. You can play with different values and see whether you get the same data as with your Maple code. Besides numbers, you can also specify w as w, then it should produce bivariate polynomials. You can avoid the computation of higher order terms by adding an extra argument: ./trace.out 5 10 1 45007 20 sets all terms z^k with k>20 to zero. (The Laurent polynomial is viewed as a rational function and the option refers to its numerator.) When you take w symbolic, you can also discard higher order terms of w, e.g., ./trace.out 5 10 w 45007 20 10 In order to get the results with v instead of z, insert the symbol v before the first argument, e.g., ./trace.out v 5 10 1 45007 20 Of course you can use other primes than 45007, but they should not be too big, otherwise the results will become incorrect.