General Information (Catalog listing)

Prerequisite: Precalculus (Math 115 or 111-112) or placement into calculus

Systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, matrices and determinants, vectors in two- and three-dimensional Euclidean space, vector spaces, introduction to eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Possible additional topics: systems of linear inequalities and systems of differential equations.

Updated description

Vectors in n-space, systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, span and linear independence of a set of vectors, matrix algebra, determinants, subspaces of n-space, basis and dimension, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of a matrix, geometry of vectors, projections, orthogonal sets of vectors, symmetric matrices, and applications. 
(current, 2020)


Textbook:  For current textbook please refer to our Master Textbook List page

The details of the syllabus and the timing of the midterm exams will vary from section to section. Each section of Math 250 has its own midterm exams and final exam. The final exam times are determined from the class meeting times. The room of the final exam may or may not be the usual lecture room! See the Final Exam schedule or the Math Department main website for updated details about final exams, when this information is available.

Course materials for all sections of Math 250

Course materials for Math 250C1, C2, and C3 ---the MATLAB sections

Suggested examination review materials for all sections of Math 250


Students are expected to follow the Rutgers Standards of Academic Integrity on the assignments, quizzes and exams in the course.

Another Resource for MATLAB

(Note: for the MATLAB Assignments for the MATLAB Sections C1, C2, and C3, please refer to the Math 250C webpage instead)


Schedule of Sections:

 01:640:250 Schedule of Sections

Disclaimer: Posted for informational purposes only

This material is posted by the faculty of the Mathematics Department at Rutgers New Brunswick for informational purposes. While we try to maintain it, information may not be current or may not apply to individual sections. The authority for content, textbook, syllabus, and grading policy lies with the current instructor.

Information posted prior to the beginning of the semester is frequently tentative, or based on previous semesters. Textbooks should not be purchased until confirmed with the instructor. For generally reliable textbook information—with the exception of sections with an alphabetic code like H1 or T1, and topics courses (197,395,495)—see the textbook list.