General Information
Math 351 is one of two courses most mathematics majors may take to satisfy the algebra requirement. The other is Math 350.
Catalog Description:
01:640:351-352 Introduction to Abstract Algebra I, II (4,3)
Abstract algrebraic systems, including groups, rings, fields, polynomials, and some Galois theory.
Prerequisites: CALC3; 01:640:250; and a C or better in 300 or permission of department.
Textbook: For current textbook please refer to our Master Textbook List page
Previous Semesters
Spring | Fall | Spring | Fall |
S2016 Borisov, Cherlin | F2016 Weibel | ||
S2014 Wilson, Luo | F2014 Lynd, Pontes | S2016 Borisov, Lynd | F2015 Sahi |
S2012 Weibel | F2012 Lynd | S2013 Wilson, Sargsyan | F2013 Tunnell |
S2010 O'Nan | F2010 Wilson | S2011 Cherlin | F2011 Mejia-Ramos |
S2008 O'Nan | F2008 O'Nan | F2009 Bumby | F2009 O'Nan |
F2004 Sims | F2005 Lyons | F2006 Cook | F2007 Wilson |
F1999 Bumby F1998 Weibel |
F2001 Sims | F2002 Sims | F2003 Cherlin S2003 A. Taylor |