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"Applications and frontiers in surface subgroups"

Jeremy Kahn , Brown University

Location:  HILL 705
Date & time: Friday, 21 April 2017 at 4:00PM -

Abstract: In 2009 V. Markovic and the speaker proved that there are ubiquitous nearly geodesic subgroups in the fundamental groups of closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Since then there have been many attempts (some successful) to extend these results to other settings, including lattices in other Lie groups, nonuniform lattices, delta-hyperbolic groups, and the mapping class group. After a review of the fundamental principles and methods, I will try to describe some of the successes, some of the difficulties, and some of the applications of these kinds of results.

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Directions: map and driving directions. If you need information on public transportation, you may want to check the New Jersey Transit page.

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