Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Pointwise convergence of Fourier series
Mariusz Mirek (King's College, London)
Location: Hill 705
Date & time: Friday, 26 January 2018 at 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Abstract: Lennart Carleson's celebrated theorem of 1966 asserts the pointwise convergence of the partial Fourier sums of square integrable functions, giving the positive answer to Luzin's conjecture from 1915. The aim of this talk is to provide yet another proof of this fact. In particular, we will see a new simplified approach to this result, which can be presented in brief self-contained manner. A
number of related results can be seen by variants of the same argument. We survey the historical background and some complements to Carleson's theorem, as well as open problems.