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Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar

 Algebraic and combinatorial properties of principal subspaces of higher level standard A_2^2-modules

Corina Calinescu, CUNY and New York City College of Technology

Location:  Hill 705
Date & time: Friday, 30 November 2018 at 12:00PM - 1:00PM

  • Abstract :  In this talk we discuss presentations and graded dimensions of the principal subspaces of level k standard modules for A_2^(2). As a consequence of the presentations, we obtain a set of recursions satisfied by the graded dimensions of the principal subspaces. Although this is not a complete system to allow us to solve for the graded dimensions, we conjecture a formula for a specialized graded dimension, given by the Nahm sum of the inverse of the tadpole Cartan matrix. When k is even, this graded dimension is related to Gollnitz-Gordon-Andrews identities.
  • This talk is based on joint work with Michael Penn and Chris Sadowski.

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Directions: map and driving directions. If you need information on public transportation, you may want to check the New Jersey Transit page.

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