Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Moduli of semiorthogonal decompositions
Andrea Ricolfi, SISSA
Date & time: Wednesday, 30 September 2020 at 2:00PM - 3:00PM
We discuss the existence of a moduli space parametrising semiorthogonal decompositions on the fibres of a smooth projective morphism X/U. More precisely, we define a functor on (Sch/U) sending V/U to the set of semiorthogonal decompositions on Perf(X_V). We show this functor defines an étale algebraic space over U. As an application, we prove that if the generic fibre of X/U is indecomposable, then so are all fibres. We discuss some examples and applications. Joint work with Pieter Belmans and Shinnosuke Okawa.