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Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar

Title Multiple Dirichlet series, Whittaker functions and lattice models

Henrik Gustafsson, Rutgers University

Location:  zoom
Date & time: Friday, 04 June 2021 at 12:00PM - 1:00PM


Time 6/4/2021, Friday, 12:00 (Eastern Time)

Abstract In this talk I will review recent research joint with Ben Brubaker, Valentin Buciumas and Daniel Bump on certain solvable lattice models and related quantum groups connected to Whittaker functions in non-archimedean representation theory.

Historically, one motivation for finding such lattice models was to study and compute Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series via Whittaker functions on metaplectic n-covers of GL_r. I will describe how the connections between all these different objects were developed and the benefits of introducing solvable lattice models. Lastly, I will discuss interesting new results for metaplectic Whittaker functions coming from the connection to lattice models that hint of a symmetry between the rank r and the degree n of the cover.

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 939 2146 5287
Passcode: 196884, the dimension of the weight 2 homogeneous
subspace of the moonshine module

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