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Nonlinear Analysis

On bi-Lipschitz equivalence of a class of non-conformally flat spheres Abstract

Sun-Yung Alice Chang, Princeton University

Location:  Zoom
Date & time: Wednesday, 09 March 2022 at 9:30AM - 10:30AM

Abstract: This is a report of some recent joint work with Eden Prywes and Paul Yang. The main result is a bi-Lipschitz equivalence of a class of metrics on 4-shpere under curvature con- straints. The proof involves two steps: first a construction of quasiconformal maps between two conformally related metrics in a positive Yamabe class, followed by the step of applying the Ricci flow to establish the bi-Lipschitz equivalence from such a conformal class to the standard conformal class on 4-sphere.

Zoom link:
Meeting ID:964 3090 5091Passcode:491508

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