Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
The Thermodynamic Structure of Short-Range Spin Glasses
Daniel Stein – New York University
Location: Zoom
Date & time: Wednesday, 02 November 2022 at 10:45AM - 11:45AM
I will begin with a brief review of the main features of replica symmetry breaking, including an application to physical systems. I will then turn to the problem of understanding the nature of the spin glass phase in nearest-neighbor spin glass models in finite dimensions. The central question to be addressed is the nature of broken symmetry in these systems. This is still a subject of controversy, and although the issues surrounding it have become more sharply defined in recent years, it remains an open question. I will explore this problem, introducing a new mathematical construct called the metastate, to arrive at a unified picture of our current understanding of the structure of the spin glass phase in finite dimensions.