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Topology/Geometry Seminar

Extending periodic maps on surfaces over the 4-sphere

Shicheng Wang (Peking University)

Location:  Hill Center, Room 705
Date & time: Tuesday, 31 January 2023 at 4:00PM - 5:00PM

Let $F_g$ be the closed orientable surface of genus $g$.
We address the problem to extend torsion elements of the mapping class group of $M(F_g)$ over the 4-sphere $S^4$.
Let $w_g$ be a torsion element of maximum order in $M(F_g)$.
Results including:

(1) For each $g$,
$w_g$ is periodically extendable over $S^4$ for some non-smooth embedding $e: F_g\to S^4$, and not periodically extendable over $S^4$ for any smooth embedding $e: F_g\to S^4$.

(2) For each $g$, $w_g$ is extendable over $S^4$ for some smooth embedding $e: F_g\to S^4$
if and only if $g=4k, 4k+3$.

(3) For infinitely many primes, each periodic map of order $p$ on $F_g$ is extendable over $S^4$ for some smooth embedding $e: F_g\to S^4$.

This is a joint work with Zhongzi Wang.

Special Note to All Travelers

Directions: map and driving directions. If you need information on public transportation, you may want to check the New Jersey Transit page.

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