Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 4:00PM - Colloquium - Location: Colloquia Hill 705
Time: 4:00PM - Studying knots through symplectic geometry and cotangent bundles - Location: Colloquia Hill 705
Time: 4:00PM - Colloquium - Location: Colloquia Hill 705
Time: 4:00PM - 5 points on the sphere - Location: Colloquia Hill 705
Time: 4:00PM - Ergodic theory and the geometry of high-dimensional metric spaces - Location: Colloquia Hill 705
Time: 2:00PM - What is the meaning of the wave function? - Location: Colloquia Hill 705
Time: 4:00PM - From hopping particles to Macdonald-Koornwinder polynomials - Location: Colloquia Hill 705
Time: 4:00AM - Symplectic topology, mirror symmetry, and rigid analytic geometry - Location: Colloquia
Time: 4:00PM - Symplectic topology, mirror symmetry, and rigid analytic geometry - Location: Colloquia Hill 705
Time: 4:00PM - "New constructions of monotone Lagrangian tori" - Location: Colloquia
Time: 4:00PM - TBA - Location: Colloquia Hill 705
Time: 4:00PM - "A brief overview of the history of the solvability of PDEs " - Location: Colloquia HILL 705
Time: 4:00PM - "Applications and frontiers in surface subgroups" - Location: Colloquia HILL 705
Time: 4:00PM - "Level set method for motion by mean curvature " - Location: Colloquia HILL 705
Time: 4:00PM - Classifying diffeomorphisms of surfaces - Location: Colloquia HILL 705
Time: 4:00PM - Embedding questions in symplectic geometry - Location: Colloquia HILL 705
Time: 3:30PM - A Tale of Two Series - Location: Colloquia HILL 705
Time: 4:00PM - The Eisenbud-Goto Regularity Conjecture - Location: Colloquia HILL 705
Time: 4:00PM - Super Math - Location: Colloquia HILL 705
Time: 3:30PM - Dynamics, geometry, and the moduli space of Riemann surfaces - Location: Colloquia HILL 705