Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 11:40AM - Equilibrium Model of Limit Order Books and Optimal Execution Problems - Location: Mathematical Finance and Probability Seminars Hill 705
Time: 3:00PM - A generalized Neumann-type problem for Yang-Mills connections - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar Hill 705
Time: 3:30PM - Inverse Problems and Unsupervised Learning with applications to Cryo-Electron Microscopy - Location: Special Colloquium Hill 705
Time: 2:00PM - Global asymptotics of stochastic particle systems - Location: Special Colloquium HILL 705
Time: 2:00PM - Local MINCUTs and the Ising model on Dense Random Graphs - Location: Discrete Math Hill 705
Time: 3:30PM - On the Dirichlet principle for the fully nonlinear operators - Location: Special Colloquium Hill 705
Time: 3:30PM - Veering triangulations: theory and experiment - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar Hill 525
Time: 11:00AM - On the expressiveness of comparison queries - Location: DIMACS Theory of Computing Seminar CoRE 301
Time: 2:00PM - An arithmetic site of Connes-Consani type for Gaussian integers - Location: Algebra Seminar Hill 425
Time: 3:30PM - Some recent progress on wave turbulence and quantum kinetics - Location: Special Colloquium Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Dense Associative Memories and Deep Learning - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Newton's Method: Universality and Geometry - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Noncommutative Catalan numbers - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 1:40PM - Cats are Liquids - Location: Graduate Pizza Seminar GSL
Time: 2:00PM - Pointwise convergence of Fourier series - Location: Colloquia Hill 705
Time: 2:00PM - On regular 3-wise intersecting families - Location: Discrete Math Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Hilbert's Tenth Problem for Subrings of the Rationals - Location: Logic Seminar Hill 705
Time: 2:00PM - The classification of reflective arithmetic lattices over totally real number fields - Location: Number Theory Seminar Hill 525
Time: 3:00PM - TBA - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar Hill 705
Time: 3:30PM - Random mapping class group elements have generic foliations - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar Hill 525