Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 12:00PM - Geometric crystals and Whittaker functions - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Fusion rules for the Virasoro algebra of central charge 25 - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - A category interpolating crossed modules over symmetric groups - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - A construction of twisted modules for grading-restricted vertex (super)algebras - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Vertex algebras and moduli spaces of curves - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Total nonnegativity and induced sign characters of the Hecke algebra - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Integral Transform Methods in Goodness-of-Fit Testing for the Wishart Distributions - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - On BBW Parabolics for Simple Classical Lie Superalgebras - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Stability for Kac-Moody Groups - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Glueing Vertex Algebras - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Imaginary reflections and automorphisms of the monster Lie algebra - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - The Witten Genus and sheaves of vertex algebras - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Bounds for the constant terms of weight-0 vector-valued modular forms and generalized deep holes of the Leech lattice vertex operator algebra - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Existence of twisted modules for a grading-restricted vertex (super)algebra - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Spherical superharmonics, singular Capelli operators, and the Dougall-Ramanujan identity - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 313
Time: 3:20PM - Tensor categories from Virasoro algebra - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Factorization algebra from Quantum Field Theory and Index Theorem - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Gindikin-Karpelevich Finiteness for Local Kac-Moody Groups - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - On factorization and vector bundles of conformal blocks from vertex algebras - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 10:30AM - Metaplectic representations of Hecke algebras and a new family of polynomials - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Hill 705