Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 5:00PM - Coordination Sequences, Planing Numbers, and Other Recent Sequences (II) - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Some tools for proving asymptotic normality and an application to cores - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Game-Theoretic Foundations for Probability and Statistics - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Structure in Stack-Sorting - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Patterns in Random Permutations - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Trees, Fibonacci Numbers, and Nested Recurrences - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - What is Pi, and what it is not - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Automated Conjecturing in Mathematics - with the CONJECTURING Program - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - When 1/pi^2 and Calabi-Yau meet - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Game Theory-An Alternative Mathematical Experience - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Some experimental observations and open questions about the alpha-permanent - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Some experimental observations and open questions about the alpha-permanent - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - An Introduction to the Foundations of Quantum Theory - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - The Peaceable Queens Problem - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Contour approximation of data, with applications - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Flexible Schemes for Pattern-Avoiding Permutations - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Patterns and Partitions - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Old and New Problems from 55 Years of the OEIS - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Old and New Problems from 55 Years of the OEIS - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - The Ergonomics of Computer Algebra - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705