Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 2:50PM - TBA - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar Room 705
Time: 2:50PM - 3D Euler Equations on Manifolds with Symmetry. - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar Hill 705
Time: 2:50PM - Canonical identification between scales on Ricci-flat manifolds - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar Hill 705
Time: 2:50PM - The Minkowski inequality in de Sitter space - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar Hill 705
Time: 2:50PM - Mass, capacity, and volume in general relativity - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar Hill 705
Time: 2:50PM - Isolated singularities of minimal hypersurfaces - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar via Zoom,
Time: 2:50PM - Existence of Mean Curvature Flow Singularities with Bounded Mean Curvature - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar via Zoom,
Time: 2:50PM - Planarity Estimate for the Mean Curvature Flow of Pinched Submanifolds in Higher Codimension - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar via Zoom,
Time: 2:50PM - Uniqueness of critical points of the anisotropic isoperimetric problem. - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar via Zoom,
Time: 2:50PM - Mean curvature flow with generic initial data - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar via Zoom,
Time: 2:50PM - Ancient flows and the mean-convex neighborhood conjecture - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar via Zoom,
Time: 2:50PM - Construction of the moduli space of Higgs bundles using analytic methods. - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar via Zoom,
Time: 2:50PM - Equivariant Cerf theory and perturbative SU(n) Casson invariants - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar Via Zoom
Time: 2:50PM - Symplectic Calabi-Yau surfaces and circular spherical divisors. - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar via Zoom
Time: 2:50PM - Equivariant Morse theory on singular spaces - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar Via zoom
Time: 2:50PM - Compactness and partial regularity theory of Ricci flows in higher dimensions - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar zoom