Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 12:00PM - A combinatorial formula & Littlewood-Richardson rule for SSV polynomials - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Zoom
Time: 3:10PM - Time-quantitative behavior of geodesics on the cube surface - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 423
Time: 9:30AM - Nonneutral Models of White Dwarfs - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 423
Time: 9:00PM - On the local topology of Ricci limit spaces - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Zoom
Time: 1:20PM - The convergence theorem of discrete uniformization factors on closed surfaces - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Zoom
Time: 1:30PM - Inverse Scattering Problems for Obstacles with Higher Order Boundary Conditions - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Zoom
Time: 10:00AM - An Extension of Hejhal’s Algorithm to Infinite Volume Fundamental Domains - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Zoom
Time: 1:00PM - Derived Partners of Enriques Surfaces - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Zoom
Time: 10:00AM - The Kloosterman circle method and weighted representation numbers of positive definite quadratic forms - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Zoom
Time: 1:00PM - Torsion in Mapping Class Groups - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill Center 705
Time: 11:00AM - Quantum K-theory of Incidence Varieties - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Zoom
Time: 1:00PM - Immersed Floer Homology of Satellite Knots - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Zoom
Time: 10:15AM - Matrix Convexity Inequalities; and a Semi-Classical Kantowski-Sachs Cosmology - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill Center room 525