Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 9:30AM - Fractional minimal surfaces: an invitation for the skeptics (and the convinced) - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - Rigidity and flexibility of stationary solutions of the Euler equations - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - Some of my favorite open pbs. I - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - On Steady Navier--Stokes equations in 2D exterior domains - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - Some of my favorite open pbs. II - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - Some of my favorite open pbs. II - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - On the differentiability of solutions to fully nonlinear degenerate elliptic PDEs - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - On bi-Lipschitz equivalence of a class of non-conformally flat spheres Abstract - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - Non-uniqueness of Leray solutions of the forced Navier-Stokes equations - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - Lp estimates for a class of degenerate or singular equations - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - Almost-Minimizers of Two-Phase Free Boundary Problems - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - Existence of Rotating Stars Solutions with Variable Entropy - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - Rate of blow-up in the thin obstacle problem - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 9:30AM - What is the most efficient way to fill a hole with a given pile of sand? - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 1:40PM - On the long-distance asymptotics of the steady-state Navier-Stokes solutions in three dimensions - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Hill Center Room 525
Time: 1:40PM - Quantitative boundary unique continuation I - Location: Nonlinear Analysis 705 Hill Center
Time: 1:40PM - Linear and nonlinear stability of shear flows and vortices - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Hill Center Room 705
Time: 1:40PM - Harmonic maps with free boundary and beyond - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Hill Center Room 705
Time: 1:40PM - Harmonic maps with free boundary and beyond - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Hill Center Room 705
Time: 1:40PM - The insulated conductivity problem and the maximum principle - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Hill Center Room 705