Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 12:00PM - Several problems in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill Center 425
Time: 12:15PM - Multi-channel Scattering Theory: Large time asymptotics of Schr\”odinger type equations with general data - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill Center Room 705 and on Zoom
Time: 10:00AM - Weak Indestructibility and Reflection - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Core 431 and via Zoom
Time: 11:00AM - Witt invariants of Finite groups - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill Center 705
Time: 2:00PM - Some Geometric Inequalities by the ABP Method - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill Center room 525
Time: 1:00PM - On the Admissibility of Finite groups over Semi-Global Fields in the Bad Characteristic Case - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill Center 431
Time: 2:00PM - Canonical Extension of Whittaker Distributions for GL (n, IR) - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill Center room 525
Time: 3:00PM - Computational Aspects of Some Geometric and Analytic Problems - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense CoRe 301 and zoom
Time: 10:00AM - Experimental Mathematics Techniques for Boolean Functions and Combinatorial Games - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hybrid - Hill 705 or Zoom:
Time: 2:00PM - Cesar Ramirez Ibanez - Facilitated Exclusion Processes on a Ladder - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 525
Time: 2:00PM - Eisenstein Distributions on the Universal Cover of SL(2,R) - George Hauser's PhD defense - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 525
Time: 2:00PM - George Hauser - Einstein Distributions on the Universal Cover of SL(2,R) - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 525
Time: 10:00AM - Kenneth Alex Dowling - A Sheif-Theoretic Approach to Continuation in Dynamics - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 705 and via zoom