
01:640:300 - Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning

General Information (Catalog Listing)

01:640:300 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning (3)
Fundamental abstract concepts common to all branches of mathematics. Special emphasis placed on ability to understand and construct rigorous proofs. Prerequisite: 250 or 251 or 291 or permission of department.

This course is specifically intended to help Mathematics majors prepare for 640:311, 640:350, 640:351 and other proof-oriented courses. 
It is required for any mathematics major who is not already experienced in doing mathematical proofs.

Students need to obtain a C or better in 640:300 in order to be eligible to take 640:311, 640:350, or 640:351.

If you are considering taking this course, please read this cautionary message.



Textbook:  For current textbook please refer to our Master Textbook List page

Schedule of Sections:

Disclaimer: Posted for informational purposes only

This material is posted by the faculty of the Mathematics Department at Rutgers New Brunswick for informational purposes. While we try to maintain it, information may not be current or may not apply to individual sections. The authority for content, textbook, syllabus, and grading policy lies with the current instructor.

Information posted prior to the beginning of the semester is frequently tentative, or based on previous semesters. Textbooks should not be purchased until confirmed with the instructor. For generally reliable textbook information—with the exception of sections with an alphabetic code like H1 or T1, and topics courses (197,395,495)—see the textbook list.